As a Kenyan broiler farmer you want to grow healthy broilers with a minimum of input and an optimal output. Our broiler feeds are designed for optimizing feed efficiency and focused towards meat quality, also for farms at high altitude. You will get both, using the Koudijs starter feed followed by broiler concentrates. The feeds deliver the right nutrition at each growth phase, ensuring your flock reaches maximum growth and great uniformity.
Best feed efficiency combined with great meat quality

Reaching your farm targets with Koudijs broiler concentrates
Whether your focus is on optimising performance or lowering production costs, we understand that, as a broiler farmer, you can only achieve your production goals with nutritional products that perfectly meet the needs of your broilers. With our broiler concentrates combined with farming advice, you can achieve an excellent feed conversion ratio, low mortality rates and results that meet your targets. Our concentrates compliment the available raw materials and form an optimal feed for better performance. Extensive research and development is included with the high quality concentrates - as well as more than 30 different ingredients in the bag.
- Lowest feed conversion ratio's
- Good intestinal health for high growth
- Healthy birds with tasty meat
Our broiler products
Find the product and the mixing that suits your goals
Want to improve your farm results?
Download mixing instructions when using our concentrates
For the best results it is important to mix the concentrate with the right raw materials in the right ratio's. This way your feed has the optimal nutritional balance for your broilers.

Elevate your chicks' performance with Galdus High Altitude
Galdus High Altitude prestarter is formulated for optimal development and a positive response towards the additional challenge of healthy growth at high altitude. The use of premium high quality ingredients and carefully balanced levels of dietary energy and protein ensure the best start for your day old chicks.
Learn moreChallenges we can help you with

Poultry research
De Heus continuously improves its poultry programmes to achieve the best results on your farm. Our practical experience in poultry farming worldwide is used in the local programmes. De Heus conducts research in its own R&D facilities in different countries.
More about our research programmesFrequently asked questions
We have the answers to your questions
Feed, water, light and climate are the most important factors that determine the production potential of your flock. Also, it is the combination of all these factors that create the best circumstances for optimal health and performance. Fortunately, at De Heus we have both nutrition and management specialists who can help you with this. From a nutritional point of view it is all about the right nutrients, provided in the right amount and at the right time. Based on own research results and in collaboration with others, we continuously refine our feeding recommendations to make sure you can achieve the optimal results from our end. Because there are so many factors involved in optimizing the performance of your broilers, please contact a specialist to discuss your options and to receive an advice based on your specific situation.
Contact a poultry specialistAt De Heus we are continuously looking into ways to further optimize feed costs. On one hand we do this by smart sourcing of ingredients and optimizing our production processes. On the other hand we continue to further improve and optimize the feed composition, resulting in improved nutrient utilization and performance of your broiler chickens. Optimization can be done by e.g. better understanding the nutrient requirements of the broiler at different ages (precision feeding), but also by studying individual (novel) ingredients with respect to digestibility and nutrient availability to the bird. Lastly, also latest feed production technologies can help to improve feed quality and nutrient availability.
A uniform flock is something we all like to achieve. However, in practice this can be more difficult than many of think. The reason? There are a lot of different factors that influence uniformity and you need to think of everything. It already starts when the day old chicks arrive in your house: how is their body weight? And chick quality? Variation at this point in time can already influence uniformity in the long term. But, once the chicks are placed then the real work starts. Management has a big impact on uniformity: temperature differences inside different areas of the house, but also ventilation and something ‘simple’ as feeder access are only a few of the things you need to keep an eye on. Daily looking at the birds and how they behave, according to the see-think-act principle, can help you to improve uniformity. Of course also feed plays a role: consistent quality in nutrients, but also physical quality, will make sure that broilers in the front of the house receive the same nutrients and amounts as those broilers in the back. At De Heus we have both nutrition and management specialists who can help you to improve the uniformity of your flock.
Ask a poultry specialist for more adviceFeed efficiency is an important production variable for many poultry farmers around the world. When feed efficiency is dropping or suboptimal, the first thing to do is a farm analysis with your feed advisor and / or veterinarian. But, we can also support you if you want to further improve the feed efficiency of a flock that is already performing well. Our extensive knowledge on management and feeding practices, can help you to finetune feeding phases in relation to the production goal you have in mind. Related to this, an important item to keep in mind here is the genetic potential of your birds. Together with the health status of your broilers it will determine the potential of your flock when it comes to feed efficiency.
More about feed efficiencyIntestinal health is key to optimizing the performance of your birds. Only a healthy birds is able to perform at its maximum potential. But, how do you maintain a proper intestinal health? At De Heus we have turned the research trials that we conducted on this topic into practical recommendations that can be used to maintain intestinal health. It is a fundamental part of our feed formulas to make sure that your birds can benefit from it. These recommendations can be applied as part of a total approach, where also management and additives can have a supportive role. Contact your specialist for suggestions on how to further improve the intestinal health of your broilers.
Contact one of our poultry specialistsA good start of your flock will increase its chances for good performance at later age. Besides creating the right environment such as temperature of the house and access to feed plus water, also the feed will have an impact on performance during the first days after arrival. Provision of a feed that consists of ingredients that are relatively easy to digest, as well as the nutrient levels needed for growth and development during this stage, will help to ensure a good start. Lastly, also physical quality of the feed will help to ensure a good feed intake that will drive further growth. This is where Galdus prestarter can make a very positive difference to your flocks.
More about a good start