Layers routine practices
Achieving healthy birds, barns, and digestive systems requires careful management and attention. By combining quality nutrition, expert advice, and better barn and bird care, you can help birds perform at their best. The key focus areas should be:

Good biosecurity helps keep the farm clean, control pests and insects, and reduce the spread of diseases between barns.
Litter management
The litter in a poultry house acts as bedding for the birds. Wet litter can cause problems for their intestinal health. Without good management, even in patches, wet litter can serve as a breeding ground for potential pathogens while too much dusty material may lead to respiratory problems.
Water management
Poultry will generally consume more water than feed, 2 to 3 times. To help them perform their best, water should always be available with the right height, pressure, quality, and balanced minerals.
Feed management
Birds should always have access to feed, not just sometimes. The feeder ring should be at the right height, level with the birds' backs. This helps reduce waste and keeps the feed clean, making sure all birds can eat. Like water, feed should always be available, and given in the right amount for each bird per day. Quality feed is also important for good growth and health.
Stocking density
As per standard recommendations, 2ft² per bird should be maintained for optimal production. Overstocking is a stressor and can bring about cannibalism. Understocking leads to more waste and losses for the farm.
Environmental management
- Understanding the right temperature, relative humidity, ventilation and lighting is crucial in egg production.
- Removing sick birds quickly is a common practice that helps reduce losses and improve performance index.
Flock health management
With the help of a vet, come up with a health plan (vaccination record and treatment records).