Frequently asked questions
We have answers to all your questions
Frequently Asked Questions
We have the answers to your questions
It’s a 100 plus year old family business from the Netherlands, and now operating in more than 20 countries across Europe, Asia and now Africa. It’s the 6th largest feed company in the world.
The company prioritizes quality and works through a farm based approach, meant to deliver the right quality of feed to the farmer that optimizes production. We deliver the exact quality as promised.
Cost saving is achieved by achieving output earlier ( less feed used) and better production( more weight gain and more egg output)
Mixing instructions available both on the website and in all our shops .
Use the link below
The recommended prices do not include delivery. However, individual arrangements can be made. Contact the RDF management for further clarity on this.
We have 25 shops across the country where you can buy our concentrate feed.
Find a shop near you by clicking on the link below.
The distributor ( in this case RDF) can work with the farmer to organize delivery.
We guarantee an uninterrupted supply of all the stock . Also , by July next year, our new factory will be operational , providing even better assurance of our investment and supply.
Our farm based approach meant to provide technical support to our farmers is free of charge. It’s also our commitment and assurance to following up with our promise to deliver quality to our clients.
Do you have any other questions? Get in touch with us